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Message from Archpriest Stefan, Rector of All Russian Saints Church in Burlingame, CA

13 ноября, 2021 - 20:09

It’s always better to be prepared to handle unexpected situations rather than being caught off guard.  We should all have daily supplies of needed amounts of food and medication to cover us for extended periods of time in case it becomes impossible to go to stores or pharmacies. This is not to recommend hoarding, but to be conscious of our surroundings and developing trends.

We have all suffered the effects of COVID restrictions and related complications, so I won't go into details since we are all sadly aware of them.  Along with material concerns, we also have spiritual and religious responsibilities to ourselves, our immediate families, our loved ones, and neighbors. 

During the long period of time when our church and other parish communities were closed down or severely restricted, many people got used to watching LIVESTREAM SERVICES. 

Patronal Feast Day at Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Fransisco

4 ноября, 2021 - 10:31

Holy Virgin Cathedral, named in honor of the Holy Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow," will celebrate its annual Feast Day. His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America presiding.

Schedule of Divine Services

Friday, November 5th:
Eve of Cathedral Feast Day
Vigil at 6:00 pm

Saturday, November 6th:
Greeting of the Bishop and Divine Liturgy from 9:00 am

Holy Virgin Cathedral
6210 Geary Blvd
San Francisco CA 94121


Feast Day of “Our Lady of Kazan” church at Vacation Beach – commemorated on July 24, 2021

6 октября, 2021 - 22:02

On the 21st of July, the Orthodox Church celebrates the appearance of the Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Kazan (1579). The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is the most famous and especially revered icon of the Virgin in Russia. The shrine is truly the guardian of Russia: the Blessed Holy Mother of God has repeatedly saved the country from catastrophe by prayers before Her Kazan image.

Miraculous Myrrh-streaming Icons Visits the Diocesan Cathedral

5 октября, 2021 - 02:00

On Saturday September 18th  the miraculous myrrh-streaming Icon of the Mother of God “Softener of Stony Hearts” arrived from Moscow, Russia, with its guardian, Sergei Fomin, for the purpose of making a brief visit to the Western American Diocese. Upon arrival the wonderworking image was...

Babushka’s Take ’N Bake -- place your order online, pick up on Oct 16/17 at Holy Virgin Cathedral

17 сентября, 2021 - 02:19

Please go to HVCParking.com to place your order ASAP

Pick-ups will be on both Saturday, October 16, and Sunday, October 17 from 9 am to 1 pm at 6210 Geary Blvd. SF on the outside playground (handicap access will be made available).

Proceeds benefit the Parking, Senior Housing, Playground Project.  Learn more at HVCParking.com about this exciting community expansion project.


We encourage you to print out the attached flyer and post it at your work, your school, in your neighborhood.  This is a SAN FRANCISCO BAY event — we want to share Russian Cuisine with EVERYONE!  The food that is being prepared is delicious and authentic!

Please also post this flyer electronically on your Social Media and email it to friends!!  We are eager to make this a SELL OUT event!

Available to volunteer?  Please email ablekatya@mac.com

Myrrh Streaming Icon of the Theotokos “Softener of Evil hearts” will be at the Saturday, September 18 vigil service

17 сентября, 2021 - 00:28

The greeting of the miraculous Icon, which is coming from Moscow, will be at 5:00pm at the Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco. This Icon began myrrh streaming in 1999.  The Icon was present when Patriarch Kyrill of Russia was selected in 2009.  There are several churches built to honor this Icon in Russia. Use this link to find more information about this icon.


10 сентября, 2021 - 20:43

JUBILEE EPISTLE of His Eminence HILARION, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, on the Occasion of the 800th Anniversary of the Birth of the Holy Right-Believing Great Prince Alexander Nevsky and the Centennial of the I All-Diaspora Council

Greeting my beloved in the Lord brother-archpastors, reverend fathers, and our dear brothers and sisters with love and a feeling of rejoicing in the Mother of God, I sincerely congratulate all of the archpastors, clergy, and laity with both the approaching celebrations of the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Great Prince Alexander Nevsky and the centennial of the I All-Diaspora Council!

Liturgy at the Kazan Church, Guerneville, CA

31 августа, 2021 - 10:47

His Eminence Archbishop KYRILL is scheduled to preside over the Divine Liturgy at the Kazan Church on Saturday, September 25, 2021, at 9:00 am. Trapeza will follow out in the church yard.

17370 Neeley Road,
Guerneville, CA 95446

VIRTUAL FUNDRAISER, The Benevolent Memorial Fund of St. Archbishop John

31 августа, 2021 - 10:19

Saturday, October 9, 2021
12:00 pm -- 2:00 pm
Please Register for the Zoom Event

Monthly Liturgy on the Russian River

16 августа, 2021 - 13:28

His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America will preside over the Divine Liturgy at the Kazan Church in Guerneville, CA, this Saturday August 21, 2021, at 9:00 AM. 

All are welcome!

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God Church
17370 Neeley Road
Guerneville, CA 95446

Iveron-Hawaiian Icon's Schedule on the San Francisco Bay Area

16 августа, 2021 - 13:07

With the blessing of His Eminence KYRILL, Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America, the Wonderworking and Myrrh-streaming “Hawaiian” Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos will be escorted from the Hawaiian Islands to the Bay Area for the Dormition Fast.
This will be the first time in over a year and half that the Wonderworking Iveron Icon has left Hawaii. We humbly thank His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill and the Holy Icon’s Guardian, Father Nectarios, for this opportunity to once again venerate this great and sacred relic of the Holy Orthodox Church!

During these trying times, we need her more than ever! O Most Holy Theotokos, save us!
During the Dormition Fast, the Wonderworking “Hawaiian” Iveron Icon will also be brought to the East Coast and the South. A schedule will be forthcoming.

The Holy Icon‘s visitation schedule to the Bay Area is below:
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Holy Virgin Cathedral “Joy of All Who Sorrow”
6210 Geary Blvd
San Francisco, CA
7:30am - Arrival of the Holy Icon and First Divine Liturgy
9:45am - Second Divine Liturgy
The Holy Icon will remain in the Cathedral for veneration until 2:00pm

Monday, August 16, 2021
Holy Resurrection Church
26050 Kay Avenue
Hayward, CA
6:00pm - Akathist service to the Holy Theotokos

Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Holy Cross Church
1401 S. White Road
San Jose, CA
6:00pm - Paraklesis / Akathist service to the Holy Theotokos

Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Church of All Russian Saints
744 El Camino Real
Burlingame, CA
6:00pm - All-Night Vigil

Thursday, August 19, 2021
Old Holy Virgin Cathedral
864 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA
9:00am, Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

Christ the Savior Church
490 12th Avenue
San Francisco, CA
6:00pm, Moleben / Akathist to the Holy Theotokos


16 июля, 2021 - 13:57

Over the last several weeks, a self-called “schema hieromonk” Ephraim (Krassovsky) has been visiting various parishes within our Diocese. It is herewith brought to the attention of both clergy and lay faithful, that monk Ephraim is not recognized as a legitimately ordained clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1993, the Synod of Bishops of ROCOR, having examined the relevant judgement of the Spiritual Court of the Diocese of Syracuse and Holy Trinity, as presented by His Eminence Archbishop Laurus, confirmed the Spiritual Court’s decision to defrock - then hierodeacon - Ephraim, who had, in order to escape answering for his misdeeds and accepting the consequences thereof, deserted the Holy Trinity Monastery and his ecclesiastic authority and, without a proper canonical release, joined himself unto representatives of one of the many schismatic offshoots of the Greek Old Calendar movement and there, accepted an uncanonical priestly ordination...

A Golden Dome Now Caps the Kazan Church on the Russian River

16 июля, 2021 - 10:00

In anticipation of impending Feast Day of the “Kazan” of the Mother of God on July 21 of this year, His Eminence KYRILL Archbishop of San Francisco and Western America arranged for the gilding of the cupola that crowns the Kazan Church along the Russian River in Guerneville, CA.

Artisan Valeriy Kagounkin of Sacramento, CA, labored for several days...

Archpriest Victor Potapov Speaks about Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker

1 июля, 2021 - 21:44

This talk was given at the Symposium entitled “St. John and His Legacy” held from June 30 to July 1, 2016, which was dedicated to Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco the Wonderworker. It was organized by the Saints Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria Institute of San Francisco on the eve of the day of memory Holy Hierarch John in the 50th year from the latter's repose. 

Although he did not know Saint John personally during his lifetime, Father Victor relates his close relationship with the Saint from his youth up to this day.
